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Accident Review: Cessna Turbo 182T | Probable Cause AQP #1 Spatial Disorientation and AQP #12 DMMS

  • Added by: Parr 4 the Course
Wow, very sad and prayers go out to her and her family. I own a Cherokee 140 and have been IR rated for about 10 years now and file/fly IFR no matter where I go , even if it’s a blue bird sunny day. Not sure if her airplane was equipped with an Auto Pilot or not , but with single pilot IFR flying , it’s definitely a necessity to lighten the workload. I had dual G5s and a GFC500 AP installed in my aircraft about 3 years ago and it’s a game changer for sure. Having said that , listening to her Radio skills , I can tell you that she was a very low time IFR pilot , and didn’t sound as
If she had a lot of real IMC time/experience . She was behind the airplane , may have panicked since her experiences level was very low. I can tell you that training for IFR under the hood , is no comparison to being in real IMC. Anyone reading this who is a pilot and working on your IR , I highly suggest finding an instructor who will give you real IMC time. I see to many pilots who get their IR , who have never been exposed to real IMC. They either never fly in real IMC because of fear or they fly and get themselves into trouble , as this poor lady did.
Keep learning, training and focusing all. Very important reminders here in a thoughful presentation of the facts and sad consequences of impacts on an entire community.
Her speeds look reasonable. Maybe DMMS wasn't much of a factor here. From the start of her turn the bank angle was steeper than I would expect and it quickly got worse, which could result in negative climb, and could initiate a spiral if not corrected. Is it possible she flew into a spiral rather than a stall/spin?
Sounds to me that while she was on the ground she "sounded" calm cool and collected. As soon as she got off the ground her voice changed drastically. There was nothing wrong with the plane, was there something wrong with the pilots ability and/or the "training" of the pilot. You could tell when the rubber was off the asphalt her hands were more than full. Why did she even have a license. When I think of pilots I think of someone who's always calm cool and collected. She wasn't. Is this a case where politics, culture, etc bleeds into another profession/business/hobby that speeds up the advancement of women even though they don't have the skill set yet. I know not all areas to get your pilot license is like this, however it being in CA makes me wonder if my question is true. Or is it equal opportunity for all to get their pilot license well before their skill set matches the paper their license is printed on. I'm not being insensitive to this pilot. And you can't blame me for wondering if this is what's going on because this "affirmative action" type crap is all over and its deadly in some areas. Thank goodness she hit the open water and not a boat or a neighborhood. She was in the fog and didn't know up from down. She did not trust her instruments which means she did not have the adequate training or confidence to have the license afforded her. Also, I'm all about scripture, but it's not on God if you're unqualified and go try to fly a plane. I believe you're misleading viewers with quotes like that, especially if they are becoming a pilot. They might, they just might, get that belief in their head that hey I'm with God so everything is OK" type of thinking. I think you should stress on how important it is to be TRULY qualified before you get into certain situations and not to think Jesus is going to save the day if you get in a hairy spot. Pretty sure that's not what faith is about
I don't think the pilot was fully alert. Making a statement of correction as to her position on the ground is a clue.The way she spoke and responded to atc is another clue. The most critical phase of this flight is going into IMC at a lower altitude lower than expected. She was under an extreme work load for a short period of time and became disoriented. RIP
Students don't get to practice spin recovery. So entering a stall induced spin while they are fully saturated can initiate panic, high adrenaline rush and freezing. At 900 feet if she didn't realize it was occuring she had no time to think about it. Every student should at the very least have practiced spin recovery in a simulator until it's absolutely automatic. I think we all know that real world spin recovery should be an integral part of fight training.
This accident reminded me of John F Kennedy Jr. crash, spatial disorientation, although he did not hold an instrument rating. Sadly there is a reason it is called a, 'graveyard spiral' ... sure does reinforce the importance of staying current, grab a safety pilot put the hood on and hand fly. ... my condolences to her family. thanks for the video and fly safe.
How basic a mistake…Godbless.

I’m a student pilot…learned that one. ❣️
Very well done video.
This makes me sad. I hate seeing a tragedy like this and losing a beautiful human being. I wish I was in the aircraft with her and was able to take control and get her into VMC. Hope she is soaring the skies in heaven now.
Thanks for making this video. I'm not a licensed pilot but an aviation enthusiast. Have just found your channel. It seems less forensic or comprehensive then some others. That's not bad. I JUST a different format. More a story then a report. I think all relevant information are transmitted. Plus displaying graphics and especially maps/charts with information hugely helps me to comprehend.
One reason we should be making and watching these videos is to keep alive the memories of those who perished. Like this woman.
tough to watch

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How to Download Music from YouTube Using an Online Tool

Here are the general steps to download music from YouTube using an online tool:

  1. Find the video on YouTube: Go to YouTube and find the video or music you want to download.
  2. Copy the video URL: Right-click on the video URL in the browser address bar and select "Copy" (or press "Ctrl+C" on the keyboard).
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Remember to respect copyright when downloading and using content from YouTube. It is important to use these tools for personal or non-commercial purposes and not to illegally share or distribute copyrighted content.


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